


news.asp 翻页  news-page-2.html







Class Cls_Page

Private oConn

Private iPageSize

Private iRecordCount

Private iPageIndex

Private sPageParm

Private sDatabase

Private sField

Private sTable

Private sCondition

Private sOrderBy

Private sPKey

Private iPageCount

Private sTemplate

Private sFirstPage

Private sPreviousPage

Private sNextPage

Private sLastPage

Private sNumericPage

Private iNumericJump

Private Pager 


Private Sub Class_Initialize

iPageSize = 10

sPageParm = "p"

iPageIndex = -1

sDatabase = "mssql"

iRecordCount = 0

sField=" * "

sCondition = ""

sOrderBy = ""

iPageCount = 0

sTemplate = "总记录数:{$RecordCount} 总页数:{$PageCount} 每页记录数:{$PageSize} 当前页数:{$PageIndex} {$FirstPage} {$PreviousPage} {$NumericPage} {$NextPage} {$LastPage} {$InputPage} {$SelectPage}"

sFirstPage = "First"

sPreviousPage = "Previous"

sNextPage = "Next"

sLastPage = "Last"

sNumericPage = " {$PageNum} "

iNumericJump = 3

Set Pager = new Cls_Pager

End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()

If IsObject(oConn) Then oConn.Close:Set oConn=Nothing

Pager = Null:Set Pager = Nothing

End Sub


Public Property Set Conn(ByRef o)

Set oConn = o

End Property


Public Property Let PageSize(ByVal i)

iPageSize = CheckNum(i,0,-1) 

End Property


Public Property Let PageParm(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sPageParm = s

End Property


Public Property Let PageIndex(ByVal i)

iPageIndex = CheckNum(i,0,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let Database(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sDatabase = LCase(s)

End Property


Public Property Let Field(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sField = s

End Property


Public Property Let Table(ByVal s)

sTable = s

End Property


Public Property Let Condition(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sCondition = " WHERE " & s

End Property


Public Property Let OrderBy(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sOrderBy = " ORDER BY " & s

End Property


Public Property Let PKey(ByVal s)

sPKey = s

End Property


Public Property Let Template(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sTemplate = s

End Property


Public Property Let FirstPage(ByVal s)

sFirstPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let PreviousPage(ByVal s)

sPreviousPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NextPage(ByVal s)

sNextPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let LastPage(ByVal s)

sLastPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NumericPage(ByVal s)

sNumericPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NumericJump(ByVal i)

iNumericJump = CheckNum(i,-1,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let RecordCount(ByVal i)

Select Case i

Case -1

If Session("yevg") = "" Then

iRecordCount = RowCount()

Session("yevg") = iRecordCount


iRecordCount = Session("yevg")

End If

Case -2

If Request.Cookies("yevg") = "" Then

iRecordCount = RowCount()

Response.Cookies("yevg") = iRecordCount


iRecordCount = Request.Cookies("yevg")

End If

Case -3

If Application("yevg") = "" Then

iRecordCount = RowCount()


Application("yevg") = iRecordCount



iRecordCount = Application("yevg")

End If

Case Else

If i < 1 Then

iRecordCount = RowCount()


iRecordCount = i

End If

End Select

End Property


Public Property Get RowCount()

If iRecordCount < 1 Then

RowCount = oConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & sTable & " " & sCondition,0,1)(0)


RowCount = iRecordCount

End If

End Property


Public Property Get ResultSet()

ResultSet = Null

If iRecordCount > 0 Then

Dim Rs,Cm

iPageCount = (iRecordCount + iPageSize - 1) \ iPageSize

If iPageIndex = -1 Then iPageIndex = Request.QueryString(sPageParm)

iPageIndex = CheckNum(iPageIndex,1,iPageCount)

Select Case sDatabase

Case "mssql"

Set Rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")

Set Cm=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Command")

Cm.CommandType = 4

Cm.ActiveConnection = oConn


Cm.parameters(1) = sField

Cm.parameters(2) = sTable

Cm.parameters(3) = sCondition

Cm.parameters(4) = sOrderBy

Cm.parameters(5) = sPKey

Cm.parameters(6) = iPageIndex

Cm.parameters(7) = iPageSize

Cm.parameters(8) = iRecordCount

Cm.parameters(9) = ""

Rs.CursorLocation = 3

Rs.LockType = 1


Rs.Open Cm


Case "mysql"

Set Rs = oConn.Execute("SELECT " & sField & " FROM " & sTable & " " & sCondition & " " & sOrderBy & " LIMIT " & (iPageIndex-1)*iPageSize & "," & iPageSize)

Case Else

Set Rs = Server.CreateObject ("Adodb.RecordSet")

Rs.Open "SELECT " & sField & " FROM " & sTable & " " & sCondition & " " & sOrderBy,oConn,3,1,&H0001


If iPageIndex > 1 And iPageIndex = iPageCount And (iRecordCount Mod iPageSize = 1) Then

Rs.AbsolutePosition = (iPageIndex - 1) * iPageSize


Rs.AbsolutePosition = (iPageIndex - 1) * iPageSize + 1

End If

End Select


If Not Rs.Eof and not rs.bof  Then 

   ResultSet = Rs.GetRows(iPageSize)

end if



Set Rs=Nothing

End If

End Property


Private Function CheckNum(ByVal s,ByVal min,ByVal max)

Dim i:i = 0

s = Left(Trim("" & s),32)

If IsNumeric(s) Then i = CDbl(s)

If (min>-1) And (i < min) Then i = min

If (max>-1) And (i > max) Then i = max

CheckNum = i

End Function


Public Function Nav()

With Pager

.PageSize = iPageSize

.RecordCount = iRecordCount

.PageParm = sPageParm

.NumericJump = iNumericJump

.Template = sTemplate

.FirstPage = sFirstPage

.PreviousPage = sPreviousPage

.NextPage = sNextPage

.LastPage = sLastPage

.NumericPage = sNumericPage

End With

Nav = Pager.Nav()

End Function


End Class


Class Cls_Pager

Private iPageIndex

Private iPageSize

Private iPageCount

Private iRecordCount


Private sPageUrl

Private sPageParm

Private sTemplate

Private sFirstPage

Private sPreviousPage

Private sNextPage

Private sLastPage

Private sNumericPage

Private iNumericJump


Private Sub Class_Initialize()

iPageIndex = -1

iPageSize = 10

iPageCount = 0

iRecordCount = 0


sPageUrl = ""

sPageParm = "p"

sTemplate = "总记录数:{$RecordCount} 总页数:{$PageCount} 每页记录数:{$PageSize} 当前页数:{$PageIndex} {$FirstPage} {$PreviousPage} {$NumericPage} {$NextPage} {$LastPage} {$InputPage} {$SelectPage}"

sFirstPage = "First"

sPreviousPage = "Previous"

sNextPage = "Next"

sLastPage = "Last"

sNumericPage = " {$PageNum} "

iNumericJump = 3

End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()


End Sub


Public Property Let PageSize(ByVal i)

iPageSize = CheckNum(i,1,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let PageCount(ByVal i)

iPageCount = CheckNum(i,0,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let RecordCount(ByVal i)

iRecordCount = CheckNum(i,0,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let PageUrl(ByVal s)

sPageUrl = s

End Property


Public Property Let PageIndex(ByVal i)

iPageIndex = CheckNum(i,0,-1)

End Property


Public Property Let PageParm(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sPageParm = s

End Property


Public Property Let Template(ByVal s)

If Len(s)>0 Then sTemplate = s

End Property


Public Property Let FirstPage(ByVal s)

sFirstPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let PreviousPage(ByVal s)

sPreviousPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NextPage(ByVal s)

sNextPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let LastPage(ByVal s)

sLastPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NumericPage(ByVal s)

sNumericPage = s

End Property


Public Property Let NumericJump(ByVal i)

iNumericJump = CheckNum(i,-1,-1)

End Property


Public Property Get Nav()

Dim v,x,i,minNumericPage,maxNumericPage,vNumericPage,vSelectPage,vInputPage


v = sTemplate

minNumericPage = 0

maxNumericPage = 0

vNumericPage = ""

If Len(sPageUrl) < 11 Then 

sPageUrl =  "?"

For Each x In Request.QueryString

If x <> sPageParm Then sPageUrl =  sPageUrl & x & "=" & Request.QueryString(x) & "&"


sPageUrl = sPageUrl & sPageParm &"={$PageNum}"

End If

vSelectPage = "<select onchange=""location.href = '" & sPageUrl & "'.replace('{$PageNum}',this.value);"">"

vInputPage = "<input type=""text"" onkeydown=""if (event.keyCode==13){location.href = '" & sPageUrl & "'.replace('{$PageNum}',this.value);}"" />"


If iRecordCount > 0 Then iPageCount = (iRecordCount + iPageSize - 1)\iPageSize

If iPageIndex = -1 Then iPageIndex = Request.QueryString(sPageParm)

iPageIndex = CheckNum(iPageIndex,1,iPageCount)




' response.Write "<br>sPageUrl:"&sPageUrl  '?sid=2008&page={$PageNum}

' <a href="?bid=2013&page=2" this_qa_tag>2</a>  <a href="?bid=2013&page=2" this_qa_tag>></a> ,help-bclass-2013-1.html

' '获取原来的文件地址,然后拼翻页

        dim thisUrl

thisUrl   = request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")'全部url


sPageUrl = lcase(sPageUrl)

' response.Write "<br>sPageUrl:"&sPageUrl

if Instr(1, sPageUrl, "bid", 1)  then  '从第1个字符进行文本比较    '处理类似help.asp?bid=1

sPageUrl   = replace(thisUrl,".asp","-bclass-")&sPageUrl

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"?bid=","")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"&page=","-")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"{$pagenum}","{$PageNum}.html")

end if

if Instr(1, sPageUrl, "sid", 1)  then  '处理类似help.asp?sid=1

sPageUrl   = replace(thisUrl,".asp","-class-")&sPageUrl

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"?sid=","")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"&page=","-")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"{$pagenum}","{$PageNum}.html")

end if

if Instr(1, sPageUrl, "id", 1)>0  and Instr(1, sPageUrl, "bid", 1) =0 and Instr(1, sPageUrl, "sid", 1)=0   then'处理类似help.asp?id=1

sPageUrl   = replace(thisUrl,".asp","-class-")&sPageUrl

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"?id=","")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"&page=","-")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"{$pagenum}","{$PageNum}.html")

end if

if Instr(1, sPageUrl, "?page=", 1)>0  and Instr(1, sPageUrl, "bid", 1) =0 and Instr(1, sPageUrl, "sid", 1)=0 and Instr(1, sPageUrl, "id", 1)=0   then  '处理类似help.asp?page=1

sPageUrl   = replace(thisUrl,".asp","")&sPageUrl

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"?page=","-page-")

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"{$pagenum}","{$PageNum}.html")

end if  

sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"{$pagenum}","{$PageNum}")

' sPageUrl   = replace(sPageUrl,"?bid=2013&page={$PageNum}","")


' response.Write "<br>sPageUrl:"&sPageUrl


' response.Write "<br>iPageCount:"&iPageCount

' response.Write "<br>iPageIndex:"&iPageIndex

' response.Write "<br>sNextPage:"&sNextPage

' response.Write "<br>sLastPage:"&sLastPage

' response.End

If iPageIndex > 1 Then

sFirstPage = "<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",1) & """ this_qa_tag>"&sFirstPage&"</a>"

sPreviousPage = "<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",iPageIndex - 1) & """ this_qa_tag>"&sPreviousPage&"</a>" '加入this_qa_tag 是为了生成html


sFirstPage = "<span>"&sFirstPage&"</span>"

sPreviousPage = "<span>"&sPreviousPage&"</span>"

End If



If iPageCount > 1 And iPageIndex < iPageCount Then

sNextPage = "<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",iPageIndex + 1) & """ this_qa_tag>"&sNextPage&"</a>"

sLastPage = "<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",iPageCount) & """ this_qa_tag>"&sLastPage&"</a>"


sNextPage = "<span>"&sNextPage&"</span>"

sLastPage = "<span>"&sLastPage&"</span>"

End If


If iNumericJump > 0 Then

minNumericPage = CheckNum(iPageIndex - iNumericJump,1,-1)

maxNumericPage = CheckNum(iPageIndex + iNumericJump,-1,iPageCount)

ElseIf iNumericJump < 0 Then

iNumericJump = Abs(iNumericJump)

minNumericPage = CheckNum(((iPageIndex-1)\iNumericJump)*iNumericJump + 1,1,-1)

maxNumericPage = CheckNum(minNumericPage + iNumericJump - 1,-1,iPageCount)


minNumericPage = 1

maxNumericPage = iPageCount

End If


For i = minNumericPage To iPageIndex - 1

vNumericPage = vNumericPage + Replace(sNumericPage,"{$PageNum}","<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",i) & """ this_qa_tag>" & i & "</a>")

vSelectPage = vSelectPage + "<option value='"&i&"'>"&i&"</option>"


vNumericPage = vNumericPage + Replace(sNumericPage,"{$PageNum}","<span class='this_on_page'>"&iPageIndex&"</span>")

        vNumericPage   = replace(vNumericPage,"-page-1","")  '过滤重复的第一页链接

sFirstPage     = replace(sFirstPage,"-page-1","")    '过滤重复的第一页链接

sPreviousPage   = replace(sPreviousPage,"-page-1","")    '过滤重复的第一页链接



vSelectPage = vSelectPage + "<option value='"&iPageIndex&"' selected>"&iPageIndex&"</option>"

For i = iPageIndex + 1 To maxNumericPage

vNumericPage = vNumericPage + Replace(sNumericPage,"{$PageNum}","<a href=""" & Replace(sPageUrl,"{$PageNum}",i) & """ this_qa_tag>" & i & "</a>")

vSelectPage = vSelectPage + "<option value='"&i&"'>"&i&"</option>"


vSelectPage = vSelectPage + "</select>"


v = Replace(v,"{$RecordCount}",iRecordCount)

v = Replace(v,"{$PageCount}",iPageCount)

v = Replace(v,"{$PageSize}",iPageSize)

v = Replace(v,"{$PageIndex}",iPageIndex)

v = Replace(v,"{$FirstPage}",sFirstPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$PreviousPage}",sPreviousPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$NextPage}",sNextPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$LastPage}",sLastPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$NumericPage}",vNumericPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$SelectPage}",vSelectPage)

v = Replace(v,"{$InputPage}",vInputPage)


Nav = v

End Property


Private Function CheckNum(ByVal s,ByVal min,ByVal max)

Dim i:i = 0

s = Left(Trim("" & s),32)

If IsNumeric(s) Then i = CDbl(s)

If (min>-1) And (i < min) Then i = min

If (max>-1) And (i > max) Then i = max

CheckNum = i

End Function


End Class











  • 可用的 UBB 标签:
  • 留言最长字数:1000。